Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ayesha Sana seeks protection from Yousaf Baig Mirza



 TV actress and anchorperson Ayesha Sana Thursday made an appeal to President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira to take notice of high-handedness of MD PTV Yousaf Baig Mirza.

Addressing a news conference here on Thursday, Ayesha said Jamila Maqsood and her daughter Sana Mirza are harassing her through phone callsand text messages to stop her from disclosing the birth of Muhammad Mustafa Mirza, a son born out after marriage with Yousaf Baig Mirza.

Ayesha Sana said, “She entered into a marriage contract with Yousaf Baig Mirza in 2003.” However, we are living separately since 2006 due to certain differences and there is a general impression that we are divorced which is not true, she said, adding “ We have been meeting each other as husband and wife and the reason behind my silence was Yousaf, who has had been pretending that he was trying to settle his family issues. (Pakistan Observer)

An open letter to SC: List of dual nationals submitted Begum Shehnaz Sheikh


PML-Q’s former MNA Begum Shehnaz Sheikh submitted through an open letter to the Supreme Court on Monday a list of parliamentarians having dual nationality.
In her open letter written to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, she alleged that the cases of all the parliamentarians having dual nationality were not equally dealt with. She requested the apex court to put the procedure pertaining to reimbursement of benefits enjoyed by the dual nationality holder parliamentarians, on hold until the final verdict on the pending review pleas of the dual nationality holders was delivered.
In her letter, she mentioned the names of 20 dual nationality holder parliamentarians. She said a few of those, whose membership was suspended by the apex court, still continued to remain at their offices. The letter includes the names of Asim Hussain, Raza Haroon, Shahbeen Rizvi, Tayyib Hussain, Fauzia Ejaz and Jameel Ashraf.
Shehnaz Sheikh alleged that she was not justly dealt with despite she had tendered her resignation. She claimed that all dual nationality holder members of parliament were not equally treated. She said all dual nationality holder parliamentarians were not directed to return all the monetary benefits they had drawn during the period they occupied public offices and other emoluments from the public exchequer, including monthly remunerations, TA/DA and facilities of accommodation, along with other perks etc.
She requested the apex court to stop all proceedings of reimbursement of monetary benefits granted to the suspended parliamentarians until a decision came on the review pleas filed against the Supreme Court’s verdict of disqualifying 11 members of parliament.
It may be recalled here that the membership of Begum Shehnaz Sheikh was suspended by the Supreme Court in October 2012 for holding Australian nationality, while being a Pakistani national and a member of the parliament.(The News)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cadet College Palandri



Cadet College Palandri is situated in beautiful natural surroundings about 100 Kms from Islamabad.  Its climatic conditions resemble those of Abbottabad.  From Islamabad/Rawalpindi, the road passes through Sihala, Kahuta and Azad Pattan.  After crossing the bridge on the River Jehlum, the road climbs to the height of about 5000 feet.  The College Complex is situated on the south eastern flank of Palandri town.


The College is spread over an area of about 60 acres.  The buildings comprise of a double storied Education block, Five Hostels called Jinnah House, Iqbal House, Khan House, Sher House and Karailvi House, Cadets Mess, and Administrative block. The college campus has residential accommodation for the staff.  There are several play grounds in the college for outdoor games which include hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, cricket field and an athletic track. The College also has a state of art gymnasium, which provides facilities for weight training, indoor badminton, volleyball and basketball. It also includes an international standard squash court.


In 1973, the Government of Pakistan acceded to genuine demand of people of AJ&K and announced establishment of Cadet College Palandri alongwith similar Colleges at Larkana (Sindh) and Mastung (Balochistan).  In 1976, the Federal Government of Pakistan provided an amount of Rs. 1.525 million for initial survey, designing and soil testing.  In 1977, sixty (60) acres of land worth Rs. 2.434 million was acquired.  M/S Allied Engineering Consultants, Lahore carried out the designing of the Project.  Since July 1977, this Project remained pended for want of funds, till its revival in 1987.  Lt Col (Retd) Muhammad Naqi Khan, the then Project Director made dedicated effort in establishment of Cadet College.  On 22 Jan 1990, the then Honourable Prime Minister of Azad Govt of the State of J&K laid the foundation stone of the College.

On 9 July 1998, the Board of Governors of the College decided to commission the College with effect from 15 September 1998. All the preparations which included procurement of equipment, furniture, selection of cadets, teaching staff and administrative staff, were completed in about 8 weeks time. The College was inaugurated on 15 September 1998 by the then Prime Minister of Azad Govt. of the State of J&K. The College commenced its academic session on 15 Sep 1998.  College Motto is      “Serve with Valour”.


College Library

Library is the collection of books and other informative material made available to people for reading, or references. The word ‘Library’ comes from Libber, the Latin for ‘books’ however library collections have always contained a variety of material.
The central mission of a library is to collect, organize, preserve and provide access to knowledge and information. Libraries preserve a valuable record of culture that can be passed down to succeeding generation. Libraries are the link in this communication between the past, present and future. Libraries provide people with access to the information they need to work, play, learn and govern.

Library is the place  form where the students as well as the teaching staff      can get books of their own interest. Libraries have always been considered as important source of knowledge in human history. The Muslims are the pioneers who established, organized and formed libraries. When others overcame them, the greatest treasure was that of the books present in these libraries. Those who came across these books used them and made wonderful progress in science and technology. 
 The cadet college Palandri established its library in 1998. The aim of the library is to provide information to the readers on different subject/ topics. The present collection of the library is about more than 5000 books and other reading materials.
 The daily newspapers are also a major source of information. The readers are provided with English and Urdu newspapers. More than one hundred readers are accommodated at a time. Every necessary facility is available in the library.
 The present arrangement is not sufficient for the readers; however, a plan is under consideration to increase the reading materials and to provide comfortable, sophisticated and attractive furniture.
At present the library is situated at the upper portion of the Admin Block but in future a  separate building for library is also in pipeline.

Medical Centre

The College Medical Centre has a ward for the Cadets. The College Resident Medical Officer (MBBS), Who is assisted by the other medical staff, runs it. All minor ailments are treated at the Medical Centre but specialized treatment and in case of serious illness/and injury, the patients are referred to district hospital Palandri, CMH and MH Rawalpindi or general hospital according to the entitlement of the cadets' parents. Medical Charges etc, if any, on medical treatment out side the college are charged to the cadets. To immunize against epidemics , vaccination , and inoculation are carried out periodically . Cadets are weighed, measured and medically checked up periodically and proper health record is maintained.

Principal Message

Dear Internet Users!  

Education of the youth of a nation is, no doubt, the most valuable as well as the most delicate task. God gifted talents in raw form are to be traced out, pruned and polished into gold. It needs painstaking devotion, dedication and determination to inculcate the qualities of courage and confidence into the character of cadets to meet every challenge of life. The education aims at developing and strengthening the intellect, cultivating taste for learning and forming character without ignoring the culture and civilization. It should aim at maintaining adjustment of moral, physical and mental faculties in the trainee. Building of mind and body and infusing a sense of discipline are more essential than imparting merely bookish knowledge. It should also aim at developing creative faculties of the students.

I am, therefore, lucky as a Principal to have with me a team of keen and dedicated computer professionals and professors who never shirk their responsibility of promoting the sacred cause of education.

Dear cadets, do work hard, contribute to literacy activities whole heartedly and come out of this prestigious institute as a good human being and literary man. 

May god help you achieve your goal!

Brig. (Rtd.) 
Muhammad Akbar Khan
Principal, Cadet College Palandri.



Inter-House competitions are held in various games, which include Cricket, Hockey, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton etc. as well as in academics, Qirat, Debates and Cleanliness, Separate shields and trophies are awarded to the house that wins each competition. The Prime Minister AJ&K Shield is also awarded to the overall Champion house on Parents Day.


The college runs different clubs in order to give the cadets an opportunity to show their native abilities and kills.
These club-activates are held on every Friday evening. The cadets have a choice to join any one of the following.

i. Debating Club.
ii. Dramatic Club
iii. Riding Club
iv. P.T Club
v. Gymnastic Club





College Houses


Contact Us

Phone: 5875042196

Cadet College Kallar Kahar

Message from The Chief Executive

Lt. Gen (R) Nazar Hussain,
HI(M), T Bt
Message from The Chief Executive
1. Cadet College Kallar Kahar was set up in 1997 in a rural environment.  The aim was to provide quality education to the boys and prepare them for the secondary and intermediate level exam.  The College enjoys the permanent affiliation with the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Rawalpindi. CCKK is a residential institution organized on the lines of other leading Cadet Colleges in Pakistan. It is located on road "Chakwal - Khushab - Sargodha", about 8 KM from famous Kallar Kahar lake. This is the place that Zaheer Ud Din Muhammad Babar, the founder of Mughal Dynasty in the Sub Continent camped while on his way to invade the Sub Continent and called this place "Little Kashmir" due to its scenic beauty.
2 . Our academic performance in the Rawalpindi Board exam has been outstanding, despite many limitations that any new institution confronts in the developmental stages.
Cadet Muhammad Muneeb Khan stood Ist in the Rawalpindi Board intermediate exam 2003 in Computer Sciences (Humanities) with 886 marks.  Cadet Ansar Saqlain (a local boy secured distinction with 896 marks in the pre-engineering). Cadet Muhammad Nabeel Sabir secured 2nd position in Rawalpindi Board intermediate exam 2004 in pre-Medical, obtained 909 marks. Cadet Ahsan Mahmood stood first in Pre-Engineering in 2006 with 978 marks.  He was over-all first in the Board as well.  He also won three Gold Medals during post graduation from Military College of Signals for the Best in Academics, The President Gold Medal and the Best in the Course. Cadet Makhdoom Ali stood first in International Poetry Contest held in London in Mar / Apr 2006. Cadet Muhammad Bilal Majeed stood Ist in Pre-Medical in 2008 with 987 marks.  He was over-all second in the Board just with the difference of 01 mark. Cadet Muhammad Sohaib obtained 1018 marks and stood second in the Class X Board Exam in 2013. Cadet Hasaan Waseem won the Faculty of Engineering Entrance Scholarship for outstanding achievement from the University of Waterloo.  This scholarship is awarded to only one student from a total of about 8,000 boys from all over the world.  We are proud that a son of this College has achieved this distinction. More than 100 ‘Kaharians’ have joined the Armed Forces through regular commission and a large number, who preferred to attain higher education have been successful to get admission in the renowned universities of the country on merit.  In 2011 Cadet Muhammad Fasih stood third in Board.
3 . Our matric results have also been excellent all along. In all the board exams our cadets have shwon remarkable performance. 4 . At the CCKK we also lay great emphasis on personality development and character building. A number of extra curricular activities form integrated part of our study plan.
5 . The cadets are part of an extended family. Each cadet is given personal attention and psy-o-social needs are taken fully care of. They are provided with a most satisfying, caring and healthy environment.
6 . The College is equipped with all modern facilities including science and computer labs, cadet messes, a beautiful mosque, modern residential accommodation for 450 boys and plenty of playing fields for every cadet.


Alumni of this College can be found in a good number in Military Academies and Reputed Universities of Pakistan.

To become a part of this extended community, Cadets have to abide by certian Rules during their academic span in the college.

Cadets are NOT permitted to keep the following in the Hostel :-
a. Transistor, video games and electric appliances, personal computer, wireless, radio. T.V set, walkman, mobile telephone etc.
b. Unauthorized medicines/drugs.
c. Money and valuables, other than pocket money (Rupees 100 per month).
d. Weapons of any kind. 
e. Cigarettes, narcotics in any form. 
f. Matches, burners, heaters etc. 
g. Undesirable printed material. 
h. Explosive/combustible material.
i. Musical instruments.
Cadets guilty of any of the following offences are liable to be withdrawn from the College without any warning/notice :-
a. Cheating, lying, stealing, gambling and immoral conduct.
b. Willfully and deliberately damaging the College property.
c. Keeping fire-arms or knives of large size, etc.
d. Breaking bounds. 
e. Rudeness to the staff and the seniors.
f. Rude behavior of the cadet's parents towards staff.
g. Absenting from the class and any other College activities without proper reason.
h. Being habitually unpunctual, untidy and slovenly.
j. Smoking, use of narcotics in any form.
k. Consistently giving a poor performance in academics.
l Use of unfair means in tests/examinations.
m. Guilty of any act of ill discipline/misconduct.

College Prospectus

                        Download Here

Remarks By Various Digintaries

1. Remarks by Air Cdre (Retd) Farooq H Kiyani, Principal Laurence College and Member BISE Rawalpindi.

It is indeed a matter of great pleasure and privilege to visit this fine institution. I am impressed. It is a very well planned, well managed institution and the credit goes to General Nazar. It is a commendable effort and the coming generations will remember him with gratitude. My best wishes will always be with him. God bless you all.
2. Remarks by Lt Gen Javed Ashraf - Federal Minister for Education.

I am indeed impressed with what has been achieved by the Chief Executive in this enviornment which looked so hostile only a few years back. This college is a wonderful gift to the people of the country.

3. Remarks by Brig Siraj Uz Zaman -Director Army Education, GHQ.

In a short span of time it has really grown to the level of the best institution of the country. It is indeed because of the selfless involvement of the Chief Executive who has made it a mission of his life. Long live Cadet College Kallar Kahar.

4. Remarks by Lt Gen Sallah Ud Din Satti, Chief of the General Staff Pakistan Army.

I feel honoured and consider myself fortunate to have visited this great institution. The Chief Executive's vision, commitment and pride is very much the character of Cadet College Kallar Kahar and its smart and energetic cadets. I am certain this College has a bright future and pray that it plays its due role in supporting our National efforts to stand tall in the comity of the nations.

Photo Gallery


Sports and other physical activities play a pivotal role in the development of character and leadership attributes.  We hold regular morning PT and afternoon games.  Inter-wing sports competitions are held annually.  Cross-country run for 10 KM is organized one a month.  We have sufficient playgrounds for Basketball, Football, Cricket, Volleyball and Badminton.  A standard obstacle course and ropes and Beams are provided near hostel accommodation.  Boys are physically fir, smart and healthy.  Details of existing sports facilities are as under: -

a.         Basketball Courts                              -           5
b.         Football Grounds                               -           6
c.         Volleyball Courts                                -           5
d.         Badminton Courts                              -           3
e.         Cricket Ground                                  -           2
f.          Rugby Ground                                   -           1
g.         Obstacle Course                                -           1
h.         Handball Grounds                              -           2
j.          Jogging Track                                     -           1
k.         Climbing Ropes                                   -           Plenty
l.          Beams Bars                                         -           Plenty

Generally we hold the following inter-wing sports competitions during the year: -

Cross Country.
Tug of War.
For development of all round personality and exploiting each student innate leadership traits, a lot of emphasis is laid on curricular and extra curricula activities. 
Some of these are :-

a. Co-Curricular

(1) Debates and lecturettes. 
(2) Reading of books, magazines, newspapers. 
(3) Essay writing. 
(4) Quiz test/competitions.
b. Extra Curricular

(1) Sports (Cricket,Basketball,Football, Volleyball). 
(2) Athletic. 
(3) Hiking. 
(4) Picnics/camps. 


Cadet College Kallar Kahar admits sharp and brilliant students after conducting an entery test followed by an interview in Class VIII and Class XI. College Admissions for Class VIII are mostly open in 1st Week of January and admissions for Class XI are mostly open in 1st week of May or June. The exact dates of admissions are announced through newspapers and college website.

Last Date to Submit Application for Class VIII =To be announced 
Entry Test Date = To be announced                                     

Last Date to Submit Application for Class XI =To be announced
Entry Test Date = To be announced  

Note: Please mail application form available on the website along with Original bank draft worth Rs. 1200/- in favour of Cadet College Kallar Kahar to Principal on College Postal Address. Applications sent after the last date of application submission will not be entertained.

The College was initially set up only to meet the needs of the local boys.  However, due to pressing demand from interested parents, it was converted into a residential institution, with some seats reserved for the deserving local boys. The main entry point is class 8th.  However, subject to availability of vacancies, a few boys are taken in XI class as well.  There are five classes in all (8th to 12th), with three sections each except class 8th, which has four sections. 

The admission is carried out through an entrance test, an interview followed by a medical checkup.  It is purely on merit.  Orphans and other deserving boys are given generous scholarship; some even get totally free education.

The admission is open to all Pakistanis, besides two seats are reserved for W&R Dte for wards of officers/JCOs/OR and three to four from FATA under President’s Scheme.  However, due consideration is given to the boys from the backward areas.  A large majority of our students are from the Punjab, a good number from the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and some from Azad Kashmir.  The dominant number is from Faisalabad, Sialkot and Rawalpindi division.


The College will adopt all possible measures for the safety of the cadets during their stay in the College. However, the College shall not be held responsible for any kind of accident/mishap causing any kind of physical harm or injury.

Policy is as appended below :- 
a. Leave other than the holidays authorised by the College will not be granted except in extreme compassionate cases. 
b. For every term, there will be a fixed number of week-ends that cadets may avail themselves of. 
c. Leave/closed holidays and vacations will be indicated in the Calendar of Events, to be issued to each cadet on admission.

Contact Us

Postal Address:
Cadet College Kallar Kahar, District Chakwal
Landline Number:
Mobile Numbers:

Garrison Cadet College Kohat

Garrison Cadet College KohatGarrison Cadet College Kohat is Situated in Kohat. Foundation stone was laid by the then Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Late Mohtarama Benazir Bhutto in 1992. Lieutenant General Arif Bangash, Lieutenant General K.K Afridi, Major General Shirendil Niazi and Colonel Idreesm(founder Principal), Dr. Douglas Smith (England), Brigadier Talat Imtiaz naqvi (Former-Principal) struggled hard to make this one of the best Cadet Colleges of Pakistan.
Students are selected after through written test and physical fitness test.Test centers are in Kohat, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Karachi, Abu Dhabi. Cadets after selection are enrolled in five Houses Zangi, Ghazali, Ayubi,Ceena, Kayani naming after great Muslim warriors and scholars Noor-ud-din Zangi, Imam Ghazali, Sultan Sallahudin Ayubi, Ibn-e-Ceena, Justice Rustam Kiyani. respectively.

It was established as Kohat Garrison College.Later it was renamed as Garrison Cadet College Kohat after the approval of the then Chief of Army staff General Pervaiz Musharaf. Land was provided by the Pakistan Army. Foundation stone of the college was laid on March 1, 1990 by the then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. On Completion of basic infrastructure, classes were started in 1993. Lt-Gen Arif Bangash formally inaugurated college on May 10, 1993. College is run by An Army officer of Brigadier Rank who is secretary to Chairman Board of Governors(GOC IX Division Kohat).All decisions are taken by principal whose decision cannot be challenged in any court of law.
First Principal was Col. Idrees Niazi (Retd) who remained in college from September 1992 to December 1995. Brig Talat Imtiaz Naqvi (Retd) was second Principal from December 1995 to December 2001. Brig. Tariq Saeed is third Principal of the college since March 25, 2002. Each house has a House Master and a House Tuter which look after the cadets of house.they keep eyes on their cadets 24 hours .they select Cadets for various activities.Recommend their cadets for Appointments.House masters are assisted by a House Commander(student of FscII)and two section commanders(FscI).Each house has a Drill Instructor, a house Baba,a medical superintendent.
Garrison Cadet College, Kohat, has been established by HQ 9th Infantry Division, Kohat. The College is under the control and management of a Board of Governors, headed by General Officer Commanding 9th Infantry Division. Tenure of each member is three years.


Governor of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Province


Commander XI Corps, Peshawar


General Officer Commanding 9th Infantry Division, Kohat


Lt-Gen Arif Bangash (retd) HI(M), SBt (former Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Lt-Gen Ali Quli Khan Khattak (retd), HI(M)
Lt-Gen Humayun Khan Bangash (retd), HI(M) (former Ambassador to Turkey)
Maj-Gen Aashur Rashid Qureshi (retd)
Brig Abdur Rashid Qureshi (retd)
Commander 117 Brigade, Kohat
Commander Artillery 9th Division, Kohat
Station Commander, Kohat
Commandant Signal Training Centre, Kohat
Base Commander, PAF Base, Kohat
District Nazim Kohat
DCO Kohat


Principal Garrison Cadet College, Kohat
Vice principal*


Garrison Cadet College Kohat consists of five houses: Ayubi house, Ceena house, Ghazali house, Kayani house and Zangi house. Each house is administered by a House Master and a House Tutor. Every house also have an elected Junior and Senior Section Commander and a House commander. These commanders are elected by combine meetings held by the Principal Brig. Tariq Saeed and teachers of the college every year.In this meeting all aspect come under discussion about the Cadets and mostly Fahim Ahmad Sabri fights for his Cadets and gets emotional some times as well.